Tag Archives: train

It’s Sunday…right?

The alarm goes off this morning and the frustratingly repetitive beep tears me from my dreams. I go through the same motions I make every time my alarm goes off. Slither my half-asleep self over the boyfriend, stumble over to the alarm and turn the first one off. Stumble back to bed, slither over the boyfriend again and promptly pass out. 

The alarm goes off again, but this is the one on my phone that is supposed to wake me up so I can use my elliptical machine. (Hasn’t happened once yet). Turn off the arooooga and pass back out. Turn off the next arooooga and start to wonder why my alarm is even going off at all. 

I think that’s crazy, why did I set my alarm? I don’t need to get out of bed, it’s Sunday. Go back to sleep. The alarm goes off again and again. And the alarm that is across the room goes off as well. I repeat the motions from before but then think, wait…is it Sunday? I’m fairly certain it is. Right? There is more sleep for me to have…right?!? 

While I try to decipher what exactly is happening, the boyfriend starts shoving me and says go turn off your alarm. I realize that the reason so many alarms are going off is because yes, it is a weekday and I need to actually be getting out of bed and getting ready. Now it is 7:17am. My train is at 8 and I have to get up, walk the dog, get dressed in work clothes, wash my face, brush my teeth, find time to eat some cereal, empty the moldy leftovers into the trash because it’s trash day, pack my computer up, remember my book, feed the dog…

I get ready in a crazy whirlwind and decide that the moldy food can wait. Once I’m ready to walk out the door, I realize there is no way I will make the train. It is 7:57 and it takes much longer than 8 minutes to walk to the train. I prepare to beg for a ride from the boyfriend, but he is in a generous mood so he agrees to drive me to the train. Hop out of the car, quickly get to the other side and the train is actually on time!! Yay!! 

Clearly, I shouldn’t have taken this as a sign of a good day because I get to work and my computer isn’t working. Like, won’t even turn on because it keeps freezing. So after two hours on the phone with tech support, they’re finally working on it. Meanwhile, I did learn that I can get my work email on my personal computer (well, accessing it online – but still). So I can still be semi-productive. 

Is it Friday yet??